Monday, August 4, 2008

First Day of Camp


I'm Miss Melissa.

I like to read, garden, and rollerskate.

I hope I will learn a lot at Computer Camp about technology, and how to publish many kinds of information on the web after computer camp is over.

I have never made a video before, so I'm excited about that. I also know I could learn a lot more about editing photos than I already know.

I like to make creative work and post it on my Facebook Profile, so I hope to learn how to do that.

Mr. Scott is cool.


Computer Camp 2008 said...

You are cool too! -Mr. Scott

computer camp said...

I looooove to read. I practically live, eat, drink, and breathe on any NEW books I'm interested in. Books I already read don't contain the same excitement as new books.


Computer Camp 2008 said...


Do you read the Twilight series?

I can't wait for the newest issue!