Friday, August 15, 2008

Last day of Computer Camp

I was so excited when Mr. Scott asked me to help out with Computer Camp this year. I heard about all the fun things we would be doing like podcasting, animating, and shooting movies, and I couldn't believe we could do it all in just one week! Today is the last day of camp and we have completed all of that and more. I had a great time meeting new students and learning about new technologies. I think all of us improved our skills and had a really good time.

My favorite part of computer camp was when we were working with Photoshop. I love to make art out of something other than a blank canvas. I also really liked going to Albany Institute of History and Art. The tour and activity really helped me understand the use of color.

Even though everyone thinks that kids and librarians must be naturally really good with computers, I think this camp proved to me that there are always new technologies to discover, and plenty of need for practice. I know I learned a LOT.

Thanks a lot to all the kids of Computer Camp for making this such a special and enjoyable experience for me.

I <3 Computer Camp

1 comment:

Computer Camp 2008 said...

My name is ketrick.

Miss Melissa