Tuesday, July 8, 2008

National park service

I like nps.gov [natoional park service.gov] beacuse it gives you a lot of info about states and their National Parks. historical events and geographical monuments are included.also there are little video clips about national parks andhow they were created.so if you are doing a report on a state,historical events,natural science,or natural monuments about the united states you can always look up info on nps.gov.nps.gov is a really cool,realible,and easy to find website for everyone. www.nps.gov


Computer Camp 2008 said...

Well written and well researched! Looks great, you are doing a wonderful job! - Mr. Scott

Computer Camp 2008 said...

I like this site. I'd like to visit Yellowstone. Where would you most like to go? Miss Jaimee

Computer Camper said...

cool i like parks.

Computer Camper said...

cool i th parks were for kids lol