Tuesday, July 8, 2008

http://www.GraffitiGen.com/ - Graffiti Creator
I like Nike.com. It has shoes clothes and other sports wear. I like all the sales and theres a member only store where you can get rare Nikes.Not only that it has release dates for all the shoes I want and thats why I like Nike .com

Check It OUT: www.Nike.com


Computer Camp 2008 said...

How much do some of the rare Nikes cost? How much would you pay for a pair?

Computer Campers said...

coolio coolio coolio cooolio

computer camp said...

nikes are very cool but not better than jordans

compcamp3 said...

you forgot the period!!!

Computer Camp 2008 said...

Great graffitti letters! -Mr. Scott

Computer Camper said...


Computer Camper said...
