Friday, August 15, 2008
Computer Camp
My camp experience
We also learned how to make a flipp book on the computer it was hard at first but then you get a hang of it.And we also got to play the Wii witch was my favorite but not better then spending the last few weeks with Mrs.Melissa and Mr.Scott I'll miss you guys
Last Day of Computer Camp
last day of computer camp
no way to contact them. so I made a new way to do (MYSPACE)!
Last Day Of Computer Camp
Last day of Computer Camp
My favorite part of computer camp was when we were working with Photoshop. I love to make art out of something other than a blank canvas. I also really liked going to Albany Institute of History and Art. The tour and activity really helped me understand the use of color.
Even though everyone thinks that kids and librarians must be naturally really good with computers, I think this camp proved to me that there are always new technologies to discover, and plenty of need for practice. I know I learned a LOT.
Thanks a lot to all the kids of Computer Camp for making this such a special and enjoyable experience for me.
I <3 Computer Camp
Last Day of Camp>_< !!!!!!!
I'm going to miss Computer camp. It was so much fun. I'm going to come back next year!;)
I really enjoyed making the blogs.Though there are some people who UNESSARY commented on their own blogs.>:(
Oh well.
Thank you Mr. Scott and Ms.Melissa.
I really enjoyed computer camp.
Have a good summer everyone!!!
^_^ -Serena
P.S. Isn't this post too rash and quick? -_-zzzzzzzzzzz
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I would love to visit Iceland!

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I admire not only their beautiful countryside, but also their government structure and economy. Iceland functions under capitalism, but supplements its population's stability with a generous and widespread welfare program for those in need. Literacy and employment is 99%. There is not a large gap between the rich and the poor.
Information Source: CIA World Factbook. Accessed 8/13/2008 from
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The place I dream about going

I've wanted to go to Hawaii because of it's natural color and most of the people are nice to each other.Also Hawaii is not a country but it's a state.I think Hawaii is famous for family vacations and there beautiful flower's.The most significant thing's about Hawaii is that they have summer all year around . They also have gorges hotels and they have a good school service
Geographic Location
My memory

-Pictures of Tokyo
Favorite Place

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Thursday, August 7, 2008
Today we leaned Photoshop

A Piture I Changed in Photoshop
I used photo shop in computer camp
Before and after using photo bucket
I used photo shop in computer camp
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

He said that people called him names like nerd and geek but look
at him now, hes the 3rd richest person in the world.He stayed in
school went to hardvard and did what he had to do now he makes
300$ a second thats why i admire bill gates.
The one who I admire

Someone I Admire

people we admire

The third day of camp and we did projects about people we admire and i did the dream.
he was born in north carolina january 25 ,1977.
He was famous for rapping,singing,songwriter,and record producer.
Also 3 events happen in his life he was married in 2004 was divorced 2008 and had a feud with chris brown.
I admire him because hes a amazing singer and rapper and i like his song i luv your girl.
Someone I Admire

Someone I Admire